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A Foundation For Our Future

Brownstone Block With Stones

Join our Endowment Campaign!
The cemetery has annual maintenance, utility, and insurance expenses that total in
the hundreds of dollars, punctuated by occasional expenses, such as tree removal, tree planting, and fence repair that
can reach the thousands of dollars. While we have been able to meet our basic expenses through donations and the proceeds from lot sales, we do have some deferred maintenance and we need to put the cemetery on a footing that does not depend so much on annual receipts.

The Endowment Fund will be managed by the Jewish Community Foundation in Milwaukee.
Management and service fees will be very low. Distributions from the Foundation to the cemetery will be only for the purpose of “maintenance, repair, upkeep, improvements, enhancements and other benevolent activities associated with a cemetery,” and will be limited to a small portion of the principal and earnings annually. The cemetery will not draw anything from the Endowment until the balance reaches $20,000. With these restrictions, we hope the Endowment will provide a firm financial foundation for the cemetery. Unless instructed otherwise by the donor, we will subtract 10% of each endowment contribution to be placed in the general operating fund for the support of cemetery operations while the endowment is grown.

Our Goal

Our goal is to raise at least $30,000 for the Endowment Fund. We believe this amount,
with a reasonable rate of return, will support a substantial portion of the cemetery’s annual expenses. As of this writing, we have already raised $28,148.52 of this goal.

Any donation to the Endowment Fund will be appreciated.

Please note that that the B’nai Israel Cemetery Association is recognized by the
IRS as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, and all donations
are deductible as provided by law. 

Thank You to Our Donors!

All donors to our Endowment Fund have our sincere gratitude and are listed below.
Donors at the following levels will receive special recognition: 


up to $180 - L'Chaim!
p to $500 - Chai Five
up to $1000 - Chai Hopes
up to $5,000 - Chai Society

more than $5,000 - Chai and Mighty

Here are ways you can donate:


Write a check to the B’nai Israel Cemetery Association.
Note that it is for the Endowment Fund.
Mail it to Kate Siegler, Treasurer, at PO Box 952, Ashland, WI 54806.


Remember us in your Will. It is easy to leave a “specific bequest” for a fixed sum or a percentage of your estate to the cemetery. Please consult your attorney whenever making changes to your Will. The bequest should specify that it is to “B’nai Israel Cemetery Association, Ashland, Wisconsin.” We understand that you can always change your Will; still, we’d appreciate knowing if you have included us in your Will at this time. Please email our treasurer, Kate Siegler, at


Make a donation through our PayPal.



Chai and Mighty (More than $5,000)
David and Kate Siegler

Chai Society (Up to $5,000)
Chana and Al Chechik
Chicago Iron and Supplies
Lloyd Orensten

Chai Hopes (Up to $1,000)

Chai Five (Up to $500)
Mark and Lisa Abeles-Allison
Richard and Carol Avol
Mimi and Jim Crandall
Kristy Jensch
Diane Koosed
Seeds of Well-Being
Gary Sherman

L’Chaim (Up to $180)
Sheva Abeles-Allison
Kathleen Becker
Andrea Bridgeman
Rabbi Deborah Bronstein
Madeline Cohen
William and Sara-Jane Cohen
Robin Conrad
Allison Freedman
Cheryl Greenfield
Dana and Jerry Katchka and Family
Su Libby
Elizabeth Lichtenstein
Naomi Orensten and Hed Erlich
Mary Rejouis
Judy Richtel
Richard and Barri Wallach
Elizabeth Wilson


The mission of the B'nai Israel Cemetery Association is to preserve and honor the memory of the Jews who came here before us, to provide for the physical and aesthetic maintenance of the cemetery grounds, and to create a sustainable financial foundation for the Cemetery, while providing a welcoming and peaceful resting place near the shore of Lake Superior for the Jewish community, friends, and families.


©2023 by B' nai Israel Cemetery Association. B'nai Israel Cemetery Association is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
Please contact bnaiisraelcemeterywi (at) with any questions.

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